Save Cigars: Florida Cigar Shop Owner Avoids Disaster with Revolutionary Wireless Digital Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Solution
Discover the truth about worms and bugs in cigar wraps and how one shop owner, Thomas, almost lost thousands of dollars in cigars before discovering the power of the iMatrix NEO-1, and NEO-1D. These advanced monitoring solutions, featuring a Digital sensor, provide accurate, real-time data to ensure your cigars are always stored at the perfect temperature and humidity levels.
Perfect Environment for storing Cigars

Cigars are a luxury product and the environment in which they are stored plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality of the cigar. Improper temperature and humidity levels can lead to the growth of mold and pests such as tobacco beetles, also known as worms, which can infest cigars and ruin their quality. The tobacco beetle’s life cycle can be completed within a cigar, with adult beetles laying eggs on the tobacco leaves and the larvae feeding on the tobacco until pupation. This can cause significant damage to the cigar and make it unsmokeable. Proper storage, including monitoring temperature and humidity, is essential to prevent this from happening.
Additionally, it is important to note that worms and bugs in cigar wraps can also be introduced from contaminated tobacco leaves during the manufacturing process. This is why it is important to purchase cigars from reputable vendors and manufacturers who take the necessary measures to ensure the purity of their tobacco leaves.
Another key factor to consider when storing cigars is that the relative humidity should be maintained between 68-72% and the temperature should be kept between 64-72°F (18-22°C). These are considered to be the optimal conditions for storing cigars, as they allow the cigars to age properly and maintain their flavor and aroma.
The Importance of Proper Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

How to tell if your cigar is over-humidified? If a cigar is stored at a relative humidity (RH) level of 75% or higher, it can cause the cigar to become over-humidified. When this happens, the cigar will feel spongy or soft to the touch and may have a distinctive musty or moldy odor. The cigar may also be more difficult to light and the smoke may be harsh or acrid.
Smoking an over-humidified cigar can also lead to a poor smoking experience as the cigar may not burn evenly and can become soggy or difficult to keep lit. Additionally, the excess moisture in the cigar can also dilute the flavor of the tobacco and can make the cigar taste bland or unenjoyable.
It is important to note that when a cigar is over-humidified, it can also become a breeding ground for mold and tobacco beetles, which can cause further damage to the cigar.
Expert Tips on Identifying Under-Humidified Cigars
If a cigar is stored at too low of a relative humidity (RH) level, it can cause the cigar to become dry and brittle. When this happens, the cigar will feel firm and hard to the touch, and may have a distinctive dry or papery odor. The cigar may also be more difficult to light and the smoke may be hot and harsh.
Smoking a dry cigar can also lead to a poor smoking experience as the cigar may burn too quickly and can become difficult to keep lit. Additionally, the lack of moisture in the cigar can also affect the flavor of the tobacco and can make the cigar taste bitter or harsh.
You may also notice that the cigar wrapper is dry and cracking, which is a sign of low humidity. If a cigar is kept at too low humidity for a prolonged period of time, it can also cause the cigar to lose its flavor and aroma.
It is important to note that when a cigar is kept at too low humidity, it can also cause the cigar to become brittle, making it more susceptible to damage or breaking during handling or smoking.
By using the iMatrix NEO-1 and NEO-1D sensors cigar shop owners like Thomas can easily monitor and maintain these optimal conditions. The Digital sensor provides accurate readings, and the devices can be calibrated to ensure that your cigars are always stored at the perfect temperature and humidity levels.
To learn more about the iMatrix NEO-1, and NEO-1D monitoring solutions, visit www.imatrixsys.com today.