Sentry for tracking doors open

Track door opens

    • Business, Restaurants

Track door opens over a specific period

Leveraging the iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor for Business Insights

Understanding customer behavior and optimizing operational efficiency is crucial in today’s competitive business environment. One innovative way to achieve this is by using the iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor to monitor how frequently a door is opened. This technology provides valuable insights into the usage patterns of customers and workers, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about staffing and maintenance schedules.

Monitoring Customer Traffic

The iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor is a sophisticated device that can be installed on any door to track its opening and closing. This means monitoring how often customers enter and exit the premises of a business, such as a store, restaurant, or bar. By collecting data on door usage, companies can gain a clear picture of peak traffic times and quieter periods.

For example, a retail store can install the sensor at the main entrance. Over time, the data collected will show the busiest shopping hours and days. Similarly, a restaurant or bar can use the sensor to track when most patrons arrive, which can help understand dining and drinking patterns.

Sentry for tracking doors open

Optimizing Staff Schedules

Once a business has accurate data on customer traffic, it can use this information to optimize staff work schedules. Knowing when the highest customer flow occurs allows managers to schedule more employees during peak times and reduce staffing during slower periods. This not only ensures excellent customer service but also helps in managing labor costs efficiently.

For instance, if a restaurant notices that customer traffic peaks between 6 PM and 8 PM on Fridays, it can schedule additional servers and kitchen staff during these hours to handle the rush. Conversely, if Monday mornings are particularly slow, the store can reduce staff during this time to save on labor costs.

Maintenance and Cleaning Schedules

The iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor can also monitor how often specific areas, like bathrooms, are accessed. For example, by counting the times a bathroom door is opened, a business can determine if it needs cleaning ahead of the regular schedule. If the data shows that the bathroom is used significantly more on a particular day, additional cleaning sessions can be scheduled to maintain hygiene standards.

Sentry for Maintenance and Cleaning Schedules

Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

To further enhance operational efficiency, the iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor can be configured to send real-time alerts and notifications via SMS or email. This feature ensures that managers are immediately informed about unusual activity or peak usage times.

For example, suppose a bar’s bathroom door opens an unusually high number of times within a short period. In that case, an alert can be sent to the cleaning staff so they can address the situation promptly. This proactive approach helps maintain a clean and pleasant environment for customers.

Long-Term Insights and Strategic Planning

Businesses can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and operational patterns by analyzing the data collected over time. This long-term analysis can inform strategic decisions such as:

  • Adjusting operating hours to match customer traffic
  • Planning marketing campaigns around peak times
  • Anticipating busy periods and preparing accordingly

For example, a store might discover that foot traffic increases significantly during the holiday season. The store can ensure adequate staffing, stock levels, and promotional activities to maximize sales during this critical period by planning ahead.

Sentry for Long-Term Insights and Strategic Planning in Restaurants


The iMatrix Sentry Door Sensor is a powerful tool for businesses looking to optimize their operations. By monitoring door usage, companies can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, optimize staff schedules, and ensure timely maintenance and cleaning. The ability to receive real-time alerts and analyze long-term data further enhances a business’s ability to plan strategically and improve overall efficiency. Implementing this technology can lead to significant cost savings and a better customer experience, ultimately contributing to the business’s success.